Diagnostic and Resolution : 1- When I tried to make a get request, I did not get a response from the server . . That makes me sure that the problem is internally and one of the Apache files is corrupted 2- So,first what comes in my mind is to check the Error log file of the Apache server, but surprisingly it was empty and nothing mentioned about the current problem . . 3 — i went to the main Apache2 folder on the server, and i opened the php.ini, which is the default configuration file . 4 — i opened the file as root and searched for display_errors and as i expected, display_errors option was off: 5 — changed the above line to : display_errors = On , saved the change, restart the apache2 and i request again the server . There was a typo mistake in some file names that made the whole problem !. 6 — with a simple Puppet script, the problem was fixed by correcting the file name . exec { ‘/var/www/html/wp-setting.php’: path => [ ‘/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin’ ], command => “sed -i ‘s/.phpp/.php/g’ /var/www/html/wp-settings.php”, } Preventative measures : To avoid such problems, it’s recommended to avoid manually typing the files paths, instead copy and past them .